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The Four Basics: Heel!

Updated: Mar 5

I believe there are four basic skills that any good dog needs. That includes Here, Heel, Sit, and Place. This article is all about Heel.

Labrador Retriever Dog Training

I start the process of teaching heel when the dog is a puppy. When they are that young they tend to already want to be next to you or follow you. I will introduce the word heel and reinforce the behavior with a clicker and treat. I will typically walk in a square to keep the dog in the correct position and try to reward as much as possible in the beginning. As I progress I will add a lead. I will work on both on-lead and off-lead heel with the pup until they are consistently in the correct position.

When I move to formal obedience I like to start use a short slip lead. I will offer correction when the dog is out of position and still continue to reward with clicker and food intermittently.

As I continue to progress through teaching heel to the pup I will begin to fade out the clicker and treat. I will continue to work both on-lead and off-lead heel. I will start to walk in more straight lines instead of using the box pattern.

Next I will start to add more and more distractions at closer and closer distances. One of my favorite drills right now is to have one dog sitting with another dog heeling and slowly work the heeling dog closer and closer to the sitting dog. This drill works on steadiness for one dog and heel for another. A great double dip of a training session.

As I have noticed though, this takes training. A lot of training, with consistency to make a dog that will heel well. It's all part of the process.

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